This is the fifth annual collaboration with Dandelion Chocolate, a bean-to-bar chocolate brand from San Francisco, U.S.A., starting in 2019.
For this year's fifth collaboration, we focused on "cacao pulp," which has not been in the limelight until now, and fully utilized its flavor reminiscent of lactic acid bacteria beverages.
It has a sweet and sour aroma reminiscent of brown sugar and black vinegar, and a subtle honey-like sweetness and firm acidity in the mouth. Please take your time to enjoy the taste of cacao pulp, cacao nibs, and fruit sour ale blended together.
▶ MELTING POD | Brewing beer is a creative job.
▶Introduction to Dandelion Chocolate
Dandelion Chocolate × COEDO] "MELTING POD
Ingredients: malt, cacao pulp, cacao nibs, hops
Beer style: Fruit Sour Ale
Alcohol content: 5.0%
Specifications: Bottle 333ml
Storage method: Must be refrigerated
Shelf life: 120 days from manufacture
【Spec for 2023】
• 原材料名:麦芽、カカオパルプピューレ、オーツ麦、ホップ、カカオニブ
• ビアスタイル:Fruit Sour Ale(フルーツ・サワーエール)
• アルコール分:5.5%
• 仕様:瓶333ml
【Spec for 2022】
• 原材料名:麦芽、カカオパルプ、カカオニブ、ホップ
ビアスタイル:Fruit Sour Ale(フルーツ・サワーエール)
• アルコール分:5.0%
• 仕様:瓶333ml
【 保存方法 】
• 要冷蔵品ですので、冷蔵保管してください。
【 賞味期限 】
• 製造から120日